Parallels between Wuthering Heights and Great Expectations

The first thing I noticed about Great Expectations was how Dickens portrays the social structure and romance of the victorian era. I saw a lot of parallels to characters from Wuthering Heights with the characters from Great Expectations. In Wuthering Heights you have the contrast between the Earnshaw and the Linton family, and in Great expectations you have the contrast between Pip and Estella. In each comparison, their lives are contingent upon one another, indicative of the romance aspect. Yet, both sets of characters romance and love is influenced by the social status they hold. At first it was Catherine finding a power and social status struggle between marrying the love of her life, Heathcliff, and marrying someone of higher class, Edgar. Now, in Great Expectations, it is Pip and Estellas relationship, how Estella is so critical of Pip. Estella is more critical of Pip in a verbal way, whereas Catherine was not as critical of Heathcliff, at least to his face. I mean, Estella quite literally compares Pip to a dog in her interaction with him. I am curious to see the development of these characters in the next reading. Additionally, social structure is seen through Pip and his interactions with other people in the novel, as he is ashamed of anything that reminds him of his low status. I am interested to see these relationships develop in Great Expectations and further see how much more we can parallel with the novel Wuthering Heights. The last connection I will make is how climbing the social status or striving to is evident in both novels, in Wuthering Heights it is Heathcliff marrying Isabella in order to acquire higher status and priveldge, also land. In Great Expectations we see, two characters (Pips older sister and Pumblechook) thinking their interactions with Miss Havisham will further their status.

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