Heathcliff as “the few”

Chapters 17-25 of Wuthering Heights dive far into the concepts of class and wealth. There are several instances where a character is making decisions based on their desire for wealth and to increase their class ranking. Heathcliff, for example, wants Cathrine to marry Linton so he will get the Grange when his son dies. He doesn’t actually care about Catherine or his son, he simply wants property. He also does this when he refers to his son as “property” when Nelly and Linton show up to the heights. This obsession that Heathcliff has with class and being of a higher class standing than those around him, as well as judging others based on their class standing reminds me of the poem “The Many and the Few” that we read in class. That poem is a lash against people like Heathcliff that do not help those in lower classes, especially the working class, and are extremely materialistic. The poem even goes more into depth by saying that if those in higher classes (the few) disregard “the many”, the many will revolt. I wonder if Linton will revolt against Heathcliff?

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