The Cry of Catherine and Heathcliff

Surprisingly, I found an intriguing connection between The Cry of the Children and Wuthering Heights. Since the infamous Catherine and Heathcliff love story in Wuthering Heights begins when they are children, I found a few comparisons between the two. Throughout the poem, there is a contrast between playful times on the countryside versus the sad, dark, industrial reality that children face. “They are binding up their hearts away from breaking, / With a cerement from the grave. / Go out children from the mime and from the city – / Sing out, children, as the little thrushes do – / Pluck you handfuls of the meadow-cowslips pretty . Laugh aloud, to feel your fingers let them through! / But they answer, “Are your cowslips of the meadows / Like our weeds anear the mine? / Leave us quiet in the dark of the coal shadows, / From your pleasures fair and fine!” Catherine and Heathcliff spend so much of their childhood playing out on the moors. Yet, when Catherine stays with the Lintons when she becomes a more mannerful young lady, in contrast to a reckless, wild girl. Heathcliff, on the other hand, remains the same as he continues to work and play while she was away. When Heathcliff confronts Catherine, the argument ends with Heathcliff telling Catherine he will be as dirty as he wants. Like the poem, he wanted to be left in his fithly and fun youth, away from the fair and fine pleasures of well-mannered adulthood. In a completely dfferent direction, the first line of the poem also connects to Wuthering Heights. In the heat of this argument between Catherine and Heathcliff, it is like they are arguing for the purpose of protecting their hearts and feelings. She wants to believe he is dull, as he tends to express his emotions through his angry outbursts. Overall, these two texts seem unrelated on the surface, but with a more depthful analysis, there is connections between them to be unearthed. 

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